Are you a student or a recently qualified health professional involved in rehabilitation and re-education (ophthalmologist, general practitioner, paediatrician, neurologist, geriatrician, masseur-physiotherapist, speech therapist, orthoptist, occupational therapist, psychomotrician, teacher, researcher, etc.) and would you like to showcase your end-of-study work? The Revue Scientifique des Travaux de Fin d'Étude en Rééducation et Réadaptation is specially designed for you.
This journal offers you articles analysing professional practice, clinical cases, original articles and literature reviews (scoping review, systematic review), providing a platform for disseminating the knowledge gained from students' end-of-study work.
The journal is intended to be interdisciplinary, meaning that it will be open to all scientific fields, as well as providing a link between academic, fundamental and applied knowledge and knowledge gained from experience of disability. It also adopts a cross-disciplinary approach, covering a wide range of approaches and issues in the field of rehabilitation research. The field covered by the journal extends from the individual to the environment, from impairment to participation, from discrimination to the exercise of citizenship.
Latest issue

N° 2 | 2024