Job offer: Post-Doc Fellow in Banking and Finance

The University of Limoges is launching a new call for the recruitment of a Post-Doc Fellow in Banking and Finance (Research Fellowship) in 2016.

The selected candidate(s) will be recruited for a period of 6 months and will be hosted by LAPE (Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Prospective Economiques).
Offers are limited to candidates who have recently (last 3 years) acquired their PhD degree.
Applicants must submit together with an application package a research proposal in line with the research program of the hosting research center (LAPE), Director : Prof. Amine Tarazi.
Undergone and ongoing research to be conducted on Financial intermediation on various possible issues such as bank risk and regulatory implications (Basel III and IV, bank supervision, financial stability, systemic risk, liquidity risk, capital and liquidity, failure resolution and total Loss absorbing capacities…), capital structure, ownership structure and governance in banking (risk and efficiency implications) and banking market structure, lending behavior and regional economic activity. The research project can be carried out with either a micro or macro perspective with strong econometric and/or theoretical background.

Application deadline : July 21, 2016 11:59 PM Paris Time.
Application package can be downloaded from LAPE website at
Application form: Post_Doc_Application_form_2016