Job offer: Project officer in charge of European and International Projects

Main mission:
Follow up and setting up projects in line with the objectives of the international policy of the University of Limoges, particularly in the context of European and international projects focusing on achieving  labels of excellence, particularly Marie Curie and COST.

Core activity:
Submission of competitive proposals in the field of research, education and governance both at European and international level.

Secondary activity:

  • Strategic monitoring : collect, analyze and dissemination of European and international programs in the scientific fields of the University of Limoges;
  • Developing new opportunities: identification of new projects leaders within the University by implementing a outreach work;
  • Promotion of projects: valorization of the services of the Project Support Office and its main results both within university and at international level.

NB: these main missions apply to all thematic fields of the University of Limoges:

  • Chemistry, Control and Environmental Protection;
  • Engineering, Materials Science and Structures;
  • Art, Literature, Languages and Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Life Sciences and Health;
  • Science and Information Technologies;
  • Economy;
  • Management.

Work enviromment:
The mission is carried out at the crossroads of research, international and pedagogical activities.
Under the responsibility of the Director of the International Office and in close collaboration with the Vice Chancellor of the International Strategy.
The International Office is composed of a team of 15 permanents officers and international trainees (short missions); the missions of the Project Support Office are part of a general framework of project support team within the University working in a close collaboration basis with the Research Office and Education Office.
Accordingly to the previous elements, the candidate is called up for collaborative approach either with the others officers and research managers at central and local level, as well as with the officers of Research Office and of Finances Office.


Read the complete job offer : Job Offer Project Officer International Office
Please reply by Monday 21 September 2016
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