Master’s degree

The E2lim Laboratory offers, within the framework of the Chemistry major, the Engineering and Management in the field of Water and the Environment course with 3 options in the 2nd year:
– Environmental Management at the Watershed Level (GEBV)
– Management and Engineering for Water Treatment and the Environment (GITEE)
– Quality and Water Treatment (QTE or QUATRO)) in collaboration with the ENSIP and ENSCR engineering schools and the Universities of Rennes and Poitiers. This option is oriented towards training in Research and Development in the field of water treatment and the environment. It is open to holders of a Master 1 and to engineering students in double degree.

Links to consult
1st year Master:
Master 2nd year:
For the double degree (ENSIL-ENSCI engineering students):
Aquatech-Limoges website (Association of former students of the University of Limoges water programme):

The IGEE Chemistry Master’s course is open to initial training, work-study, and continuing education in the 1st or 2nd year. Each year, the course is subject to validation requests via the VAE system from employees with strong professional and/or personal experience.

Links to consult
For the VAE:
For the VAP (Device allowing to register in a diploma without the required level of diploma):
For work-linked training:

E2Lim offers two Masters in the field of Water.

  • Master 2 – CCPE: Engineering and Management of Water and the Environment (IGEE)

Environmental Management at the Watershed Level

Management and Engineering for Water Treatment and the Environment

For further information on these degrees and on the host structure, see the Aquatech website.