Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales is the scientific digital journal of the International Network Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean (ALEC) “Territories, Vulnerable Populations and Public Policies” whose headquarters are at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the University of Limoges (France).

Last issues

SI N° 12 | 2024
Medios de comunicación y violencias intrafamiliares
The media and domestic violence

Directed by Maria Ogecia DRIGO et Luciana COUTINHO PAGLIARINI DA SOUZA

Published on line 02 July 2024

There's no denying that the media, violence and otherness are deeply intertwined. In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion in hate speech against the most diverse groups and minorities. The emergence of the new electronic media and, in particular, social networks, has given individuals a space - mainly due to the authoritarian structure of certain societies - that has not reinforced the democratization of information (although it does make it possible), but has led to a tendency to replace the public space of opinion with the private space, in this case, by the public dissemination of likes, dislikes, insults, slander and defamation. The violence to which various groups and minorities, such as women, black people, natives, immigrants and LGBTQIA+ people, are subjected on a daily basis therefore reveals cruel societies that find in voices, bodies and weapons an unfettered path.

We must therefore ask ourselves how the media can responsibly and effectively give visibility to domestic violence in our countries so that these societies can begin to meet the challenge of eradicating domestic violence.

N° 17 | 2024
Retos y perspectivas del derecho a la salud en un mundo globalizado
Challenges and perspectives of the right to health in a globalized world

Directed by Laura Cortes Sanabria

Published on line 09 April 2024

Health is a universal human right and, by definition, an obvious extension of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. According to the World Health Organization, this right refers to the "highest attainable standard of health". However, to achieve this maximum, it requires interrelation with other human rights, such as the rights to food, housing, work, education, nondiscrimination, access to information and participation.

The right to health is supported by international agreements and treaties, such as the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The right to health implies guaranteeing equitable access to quality health services, without discrimination and with the participation and informed consent of individuals.

From an international perspective, public health policies should be aligned with the right to health. In addition, governments must ensure that health policies respect and protect human rights, including the right to health.

Universal access to healthcare is an important goal for many nations around the world. Universal access to health policies focuses on ensuring that all individuals can access health care, essential medicines and preventive services.

However, there are currently several challenges to achieve equitable and universal access to the right to health, especially within the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, such as inequality and inequity in health, economic barriers due to the lack of efficient financing schemes, high cost of health services especially for populations in situations of poverty, lack of geographic access, cultural and linguistic differences, lack of health education, fragmented health systems, and others.

Overcoming these challenges requires the commitment and collaboration of governments, international organizations, the scientific community, civil society and other relevant actors. Therefore, this 17th issue of TraHs aims to identify barriers and challenges that affect equitable access to health in a global context, as well as to highlight opportunities and approaches that can help overcome the challenges identified. This involves assessing best practices and innovative approaches that are being implemented in different parts of the world, as well as identifying areas where greater focus and action is required.