Participation of CRIBL at the days of interdisciplinarity – University of Limoges

The University of Limoges is a multidisciplinary university in which subjects of human and social sciences, sciences and techniques, life sciences, legal and economic sciences are dealt with. Established on a human scale, it is located in an environment that is most conducive to scientific development, exchanges, discussions and sharing. With this in mind, the University organized the days of interdisciplinarity which addressed the large community formed by the staff of the University. On this occasion, 2 CRIBL researchers, Christophe Sirac and Sandrine Le Noir, presented their research themes to an audience from the 5 institutes.


Christophe Sirac, Professor of University, presented his work on amyloidosis :


More informations on the University website.


Contact Journées de l’Interdisciplinarité :
Claire Lefort / / 06 66 01 79 12

Sandrine Le Noir, CNRS researcher, presented her work on the regulation of immunoglobulin genes expression :
