
Ils nous soutiennent

Ils nous font confiance

Equipes de Limoges :

Anti-Infectieux : supports moléculaires des résistances et innovations thérapeutiques (RESINFIT – UMR Inserm 1092)
Epidémiologie des maladies chroniques en zone tropicale (EpiMaCT – UMR Inserm 1094 U270 IRD USC 1501 INRAe)
Pharmacology & Transplantation (P&T – UMR Inserm 1248)
Contrôle de la Réponse Immune B et lymphoproliférations (CRIBL – UMR CNRS 7276 Inserm 1262)
Contrôle de l’Activation cellulaire, Progression Tumorale et Résistance thérapeutique (UMR Inserm-CHU 1308)
Maintenance myélinique et neuropathies périphériques (NEURIT – UR 20218)
LABCiS (UR 22722)
Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCER – UMR CNRS 7315)
CHU de Limoges
Centre Hospitalier Esquirol (Limoges)

Equipes hors Limoges et entreprises :

MIcrOenvironment and B-cell: Immunopathology cell DIfferentiation and Cancer (MOBIDIC – UMR Inserm U1236)
Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie et Immunologie Nantes Angers (CRCINA – UMR Inserm U1232)
Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB – UMR Inserm U955)
CHU de Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe)
Laboratoire Départemental d’Analyses et de Recherche de Dordogne (LDAR 24)
Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes, Sorbonne Université (LBBM – USR3579 SU-CNRS)
Toxicité Environnementale, Cibles Thérapeutiques, Signalisation Cellulaire et Biomarqueurs, Université Paris Descartes (T3S – Inserm UMR-S 1124)

Centre de Valorisation des Agroressources (CVA – Brive, 19)
Entreprise B Cell Design (Limoges)
Entreprise SILAB (Saint-Viance, 19)
Entreprise I.CERAM (Limoges)
Entreprise ArkAb (Limoges)
Entreprise Seqens (Limoges)
Entreprise Covertis (Limoges)
Start-up AgroDynaLux (Limoges)
Entreprise Womed (Montpellier, 34)

Nous travaillons en collaboration


El Massry, M., Msheik, Z., El Masri, T., Ntoutoume, G. M. N., Vignaud, L., Richard, L., Pinault, E., Faye, P.-A., Bregier, F., Marquet, P., Favreau, F., Vallat, J.-M., Billet, F., Sol, V., Sturtz, F., & Desmouliere, A. (2024). Improvement of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Phenotype with a Nanocomplex Treatment in Two Transgenic Models of CMT1A. Biomaterials Research, 28, 0009.

Haymour, L., Pennarubia, F., Le Faou, C. C., Pinault, E., Germot, A., Maftah, A., & Legardinier, S. (2024). POFUT1-mediated O-fucosylation of glycoproteins expressed in the baculovirus Sf9 insect cell expression system. Journal of Biotechnology379, 53‑64.


Msheik, Z., Durand, S., Pinault, E., Caillaud, M., Vignaud, L., Billet, F., Massry, M. E., & Desmouliere, A. (2023). Charcot-Marie-Tooth-1A and sciatic nerve crush rat models : Insights from proteomics. Neural Regeneration Research, 18(6), 1354‑1363.


Brégier, F., Sol, V., Champavier, Y., Galmiche, L., Allain, C., & Audebert, P. (2022). First Example of a Heptazine-Porphyrin Dyad; Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties. Molecules, 27(19), 6698.

Krayem, M., Pinault, E., Deluchat, V., & Labrousse, P. (2022). Are cysteine, glutathione and phytochelatins responses of Myriophyllum alterniflorum to copper and arsenic stress affected by trophic conditions? BioMetals, 35(4), 729‑739.

Gallardo-Villagrán, M., Paulus, L., Champavier, Y., Leger, D. Y., Therrien, B., & Liagre, B. (2022). Combination of tetrapyridylporphyrins and arene ruthenium(II) complexes to treat synovial sarcoma by photodynamic therapy. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 26(08n09), 533‑541.

Villéger, R., Pinault, E., Vuillier-Devillers, K., Grenier, K., Landolt, C., Ropartz, D., Sol, V., Urdaci, M. C., Bressollier, P., & Ouk, T.-S. (2022). Prebiotic Isomaltooligosaccharide Provides an Advantageous Fitness to the Probiotic Bacillus subtilis CU1. Applied Sciences, 12(13), 6404.


Rioux, B., Pinon, A., Gamond, A., Martin, F., Laurent, A., Champavier, Y., Barette, C., Liagre, B., Fagnère, C., Sol, V. et Pouget, C. (2021). Synthesis and biological evaluation of chalcone-polyamine conjugates as novel vectorized agents in colorectal and prostate cancer chemotherapy, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 113586 (222).

Romani, M., Adouane, E., Carrion, C., Veckerlé, C., Boeuf, D., Fernandez, F., Lefèvre, M., Intertaglia, L., Rodrigues, A. M. S., Lebaron, P., & Lami, R. (2021). Diversity and activities of pioneer bacteria, algae, and fungi colonizing ceramic roof tiles during the first year of outdoor exposure. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 162, 105230.

Bouzat, F., Lucas, R., Leconte, Y., Foucaud, S., Champavier, Y., Diogo, C., C. et Babonneau F. (2021). Formation of zrc–sic composites from the molecular scale through the synthesis of multielement polymers, Materials, 14(14), 3901.

Romani, M., Carrion, C., Fernandez, F., Lebaron, P., & Lami, R. (2021). Methyl Potassium Siliconate and Siloxane Inhibit the Formation of Multispecies Biofilms on Ceramic Roof Tiles : Efficiency and Comparison of Two Common Water Repellents. Microorganisms, 9(2), 394.

Hortholary, T., Carrion, C., Chouzenoux, E., Pesquet, J., et Lefort, C. (2021). Multiplex‐multiphoton microscopy and computational strategy for biomedical imaging, Microscopy Research and Technique, jemt.23712.

Lagarde, A., Mambu, L., Mai, P.-Y., Champavier, Y., Stigliani, J.-L., Beniddir, M. A., et Millot, M. (2021). Chlorinated bianthrones from the cyanolichen Nephroma laevigatum, Fitoterapia, 104811.

Pennarubia, F., Germot, A., Pinault, E., Maftah, A., et Legardinier, S. (2021). The single EGF-like domain of mouse PAMR1 is modified by O-Glucose, O-Fucose and O-GlcNAc, Glycobiology, 31(1):55-68.

Ben Salah, S., Sanselme, M., Champavier, Y., Othman, M., Daïch, A., Chataigner, I. et Lawson A., M. (2021). Five-Membered Nitrogen Heterocycles Synthesis through 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Non-Stabilized Azomethine Ylides with 2-Pyridone Heteroaromatic Systems as Dipolarophiles, EurJOC, 2021(1), 102-116.


Kulifaj, D., Tilloy, V., Scaon, E., Guerin, E., Essig, M., Pichon, N., Hantz, S., De Bernardi, A., Joannes, M., Barranger, C., et Alain, S. (2020). Viral metagenomics analysis of kidney donors and recipients: Torque teno virus genotyping and prevalence, Journal of Medical Virology, 92(12), 3301‑3311.

Bender, S., Ayala, M. V., Bonaud, A., Javaugue, V., Carrion, C., Oblet, C., Rinsant, A., Kaaki, S., Oruc, Z., Boyer, F., Paquet, A., Pons, N., Herve, B., Ashi, M. O., Jaccard, A., Delpy, L., Touchard, G., Cogne, M., Bridoux, F., et Sirac, C. (2020). Immunoglobulin light chain toxicity in a mouse model of monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain deposition disease, Blood, blood.2020005980.

Dieu, A., Mambu, L., Champavier, Y., Chaleix, V., Sol, V., Gloaguen, V., et Millot, M. (2020). Antibacterial activity of the lichens Usnea Florida and Flavoparmelia caperata (Parmeliaceae), Natural Product Research, 34(23), 3358‑3362.

Pennarubia, F., Pinault, E., Al Jaam, B., Brun, C. E., Maftah, A., Germot, A., et Legardinier, S. (2020). Mouse WIF1 Is Only Modified with O-Fucose in Its EGF-like Domain III Despite Two Evolutionarily Conserved Consensus Sites, Biomolecules, 10(9), 1250.

Godard, J., Brégier, F., Arnoux, P., Myrzakhmetov, B., Champavier, Y., Frochot, C., et Sol, V. (2020). New Phenalenone Derivatives: Synthesis and Evaluation of Their Singlet Oxygen Quantum Yield, ACS Omega, 5(43), 28264‑28272.

Pedron, J., Boudot, C., Brossas, J.-Y., Pinault, E., Bourgeade-Delmas, S., Sournia-Saquet, A., Boutet-Robinet, E., Destere, A., Tronnet, A., Bergé, J., Bonduelle, C., Deraeve, C., Pratviel, G., Stigliani, J.-L., Paris, L., Mazier, D., Corvaisier, S., Since, M., Malzert-Fréon, A., Wyllie, S., Milne, R., Fairlamb, A. H., Valentin, A., Courtioux, B., et Verhaeghe, P. (2020). New 8-Nitroquinolinone Derivative Displaying Submicromolar in Vitro Activities against Both Trypanosoma brucei and cruzi, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11(4), 464‑472.

Fleurence, J., Bahri, M., Fougeray, S., Faraj, S., Vermeulen, S., Pinault, E., Geraldo, F., Oliver, L., Véziers, J., Marquet, P., Rabé, M., Gratas, C., Vallette, F., Pecqueur, C., Paris, F., and Birklé, S. (2019). Impairing temozolomide resistance driven by glioma stem-like cells with adjuvant immunotherapy targeting O-acetyl GD2 ganglioside, International Journal of Cancer.

Fersing, C., Boudot, C., Castera-Ducros, C., Pinault, E., Hutter, S., Paoli-Lombardo, R., Primas, N., Pedron, J., Seguy, L., Bourgeade-Delmas, S., Sournia-Saquet, A., Stigliani, J.-L., Brossas, J.-Y., Paris, L., Valentin, A., Wyllie, S., Fairlamb, A. H., Boutet-Robinet, É., Corvaisier, S., Since, M., Malzert-Fréon, A., Destere, A., Mazier, D., Rathelot, P., Courtioux, B., Azas, N., Verhaeghe, P., et Vanelle, P. (2020). 8-Alkynyl-3-nitroimidazopyridines display potent antitrypanosomal activity against both T. b. brucei and cruzi, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 202, 112558.

Fersing, C., Boudot, C., Paoli-Lombardo, R., Primas, N., Pinault, E., Hutter, S., Castera-Ducros, C., Kabri, Y., Pedron, J., Bourgeade-Delmas, S., Sournia-Saquet, A., Stigliani, J.-L., Valentin, A., Azqueta, A., Muruzabal, D., Destere, A., Wyllie, S., Fairlamb, A. H., Corvaisier, S., Since, M., Malzert-Fréon, A., Di Giorgio, C., Rathelot, P., Azas, N., Courtioux, B., Vanelle, P., et Verhaeghe, P. (2020). Antikinetoplastid SAR study in 3-nitroimidazopyridine series: Identification of a novel non-genotoxic and potent anti-T. b. brucei hit-compound with improved pharmacokinetic properties, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 206, 112668.

Deschuyter, M., Pennarubia, F., Pinault, E., Legardinier, S., et Maftah, A. (2020). Functional Characterization of POFUT1 Variants Associated with Colorectal Cancer, Cancers, 12(6), 1430.

Boudot, C., Pinault, E., Lebrault, E., Bonnet, J., Sol, V., et Courtioux, B. (2020). Identification of Metabolites Derived from the Anti-trypanosomal Drug Megazol, Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 9(1).


Romani, M., Carrion, C., Fernandez, F., Intertaglia, L., Pecqueur, D., Lebaron, P., et Lami, R. (2019). High bacterial diversity in pioneer biofilms colonizing ceramic roof tiles, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 144, 104745.

Rioux, B., Pouget, C., Ndong-Ntoutoume, G. M. A., Granet, R., Gamond, A., Laurent, A., Pinon, A., Champavier, Y., Liagre, B., Fagnère, C., and Sol, V. (2019). Enhancement of hydrosolubility and in vitro antiproliferative properties of chalcones following encapsulation into β-cyclodextrin/cellulose-nanocrystal complexes, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 29(15), 1895–1898.

Pennarubia, F., Pinault, E., Maftah, A., and Legardinier, S. (2018). In vitro acellular method to reveal O-fucosylation on EGF-like domains, Glycobiology, 29 (3), 192 198.

Nasr, S. H., Sirac, C., Bridoux, F., Javaugue, V., Bender, S., Rinsant, A., Kaaki, S., Pinault, E., Dasari, S., Alexander, M. P., Said, S. M., Hogan, J. J., Dispenzieri, A., Touchard, G., McPhail, E. D., and Leung, N. (2019). Heavy Chain Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis: A Case Report, American Journal of Kidney Diseases: The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 74(2), 276–280.

Guyot, A., Duchesne, M., Robert, S., Lia, A.-S., Derouault, P., Scaon, E., Lemnos, L., Salle, H., Durand, K., et Labrousse, F. (2019). Analysis of CDKN2A gene alterations in recurrent and non-recurrent meningioma, Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 145(3), 449‑459.

Dieu, A., Mambu, L., Champavier, Y., Chaleix, V., Sol, V., Gloaguen, V., and Millot, M. (2019). Antibacterial activity of the lichens Usnea Florida and Flavoparmelia caperata (Parmeliaceae), Natural Product Research, 1–5.

Der Vartanian, A., Chabanais, J., Carrion, C., Maftah, A., and Germot, A. (2019). Downregulation of POFUT1 Impairs Secondary Myogenic Fusion Through a Reduced NFATc2/IL-4 Signaling Pathway, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(18).

Deluche, E., Bessette, B., Durand, S., Caire, F., Rigau, V., Robert, S., Chaunavel, A., Forestier, L., Labrousse, F., Jauberteau, M.-O., Durand, K., and Lalloué, F. (2019). CHI3L1, NTRK2, 1p/19q and IDH Status Predicts Prognosis in Glioma, Cancers, 11(4).

Couvé-Deacon, E., Jové, T., Afouda, P., Barraud, O., Tilloy, V., Scaon, E., Hervé, B., Burucoa, C., Kempf, M., Marcos, J. Y., Ploy, M.-C., and Garnier, F. (2019). Class 1 integrons in Acinetobacter baumannii: a weak expression of gene cassettes to counterbalance the lack of LexA-driven integrase repression, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 53(4), 491–499.

Burat, B., Gonzalez, J., Sauvage, F.-L., Aouad, H., Arnion, H., Pinault, E., Marquet, P., and Essig, M. (2019). Sum of peak intensities outperforms peak area integration in iTRAQ protein expression measurement by LC-MS/MS using a TripleTOF 5600+ platform, Bioscience Reports, 39(6).

Bretin, L., Pinon, A., Bouramtane, S., Ouk, C., Richard, L., Perrin, M.-L., Chaunavel, A., Carrion, C., Bregier, F., Sol, V., Chaleix, V., Leger, D. Y., and Liagre, B. (2019). Photodynamic Therapy Activity of New Porphyrin-Xylan-Coated Silica Nanoparticles in Human Colorectal Cancer, Cancers, 11(10).

Brégier, F., Godard, J., Thiais, J., Bouramtane, S., Moulin, A., Champavier, Y., Mailleau, A., Chaleix, V., et Sol, V. (2019). Regioselective reduction of 5-aryl-10,15,20-tris(pyridyl) porphyrin to 5-aryl-10,15,20-tris(pyridyl)dihydroporphyrin (chlorin), Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 23(11n12), 1380‑1397.


Piriou, C., Viers, L., Lucas, R., Bouzat, F., Laadoua, H., Champavier, Y., Foucaud, S., Coelho, C., and Babonneau, F. (2018). Rheological and thermal behaviours of a hyperbranched polycarbosilane: Monitoring the shaping ability of a hyperbranched polycarbosilane, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 32(9), e4443.


Le Guern, F., Ouk, T.-S., Ouk, C., Vanderesse, R., Champavier, Y., Pinault, E., and Sol, V. (2017). Lysine Analogue of Polymyxin B as a Significant Opportunity for Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9(1), 11–16.

Louvet, J. N., Carrion, C., Stalder, T., Alrhmoun, M., Casellas, M., Potier, O., Pons, M. N., and Dagot, C. (2017). Vancomycin sorption on activated sludge Gram+ bacteria rather than on EPS; 3D Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy time-lapse imaging, Water Research, 124, 290–297.

Raherison, S., Jove, T., Gaschet, M., Pinault, E., Tabesse, A., Torres, C., and Ploy, M.-C. (2017). Expression of the aac(6’)-Ib-cr Gene in Class 1 Integrons, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61(5).

Rioux, B., Pouget, C., Fidanzi-Dugas, C., Gamond, A., Laurent, A., Semaan, J., Pinon, A., Champavier, Y., Léger, D. Y., Liagre, B., Duroux, J.-L., Fagnère, C., and Sol, V. (2017). Design and multi-step synthesis of chalcone-polyamine conjugates as potent antiproliferative agents, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 27(18), 4354–4357.

Le Guern, F., Sol, V., Ouk, C., Arnoux, P., Frochot, C., and Ouk, T.-S. (2017). Enhanced Photobactericidal and Targeting Properties of a Cationic Porphyrin following the Attachment of Polymyxin B, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 28(9), 2493–2506.

Laadoua, H., Lucas, R., Champavier, Y., Foucaud, S., Zerrouki, R., and Brouillette, F. (2017). Processing of in situ synthesized polycarbosilane-derived porous SiC using kraft pulp fibers, Materials Letters, 191, 46–49.

Fidanzi-Dugas, C., Liagre, B., Chemin, G., Perraud, A., Carrion, C., Couquet, C.-Y., Granet, R., Sol, V., and Léger, D. Y. (2017). Analysis of the in vitro and in vivo effects of photodynamic therapy on prostate cancer by using new photosensitizers, protoporphyrin IX-polyamine derivatives, Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects, 1861(7), 1676–1690.

Delebassée, S., Mambu, L., Pinault, E., Champavier, Y., Liagre, B., and Millot, M. (2017). Cytochalasin E in the lichen Pleurosticta acetabulum. Anti-proliferative activity against human HT-29 colorectal cancer cells and quantitative variability, Fitoterapia, 121, 146–151.

Boyer, F., Boutouil, H., Dalloul, I., Dalloul, Z., Cook-Moreau, J., Aldigier, J.-C., Carrion, C., Herve, B., Scaon, E., Cogné, M., and Péron, S. (2017). CSReport: A New Computational Tool Designed for Automatic Analysis of Class Switch Recombination Junctions Sequenced by High-Throughput Sequencing, Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950), 198(10), 4148–4155.

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