Double blow for the 2MB2C team in Lyon at the 7th Filo Days
The work of the group of Christelle Vincent-Fabert and Jean Feuillard was rewarded on October 6 and 7 in Lyon by the attribution, on the one hand, of a prize given to Cassandra Jadeau following her participation in the Young Experts Day in Leukemia and on the other hand a Filo-Janssen “young researcher LLC-MW” grant awarded to Christelle Vincent-Fabert for her work on lymphomas associated with the Myd88 mutation.
Non-Hodgkin’s B lymphomas are cancers that develop from cells of the immune system that produce antibodies called B lymphocytes. Some of these B lymphomas grow rapidly (so-called aggressive lymphomas), others more slowly (indolent lymphomas).
At the CRIBL UMR CNRS 7276 / INSERM 1262 laboratory in Limoges, we are interested in the mechanisms involved in the appearance of these two types of lymphomas having as a common feature the deregulation of an important actor for the survival of tumor cells, called NF- B. Through a unique and original model which develops these two types of tumors, we wish to highlight the gene disorders involved in the appearance of these tumors as well as to understand how these tumor cells can escape the control of our immune system and lead the emergence of these two types of lymphoma. All of these results should also allow us to establish new strategies and / or new means to increase the sensitivity and therefore the death of tumor B lymphocytes to other treatments.