Study of the c-Rel protein involved in the most responded to adult lymphoma, DLBCL.

Jean Feuillard and Nathalie Faumont published an article in the newspaper Frontiers in Oncology concerning a LYSA study on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, in particular on the study of the c-Rel protein.

Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) are the most common pathologies among aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas. DLBCLs are clinically, molecularly and genetically heterogeneous, suggesting different oncogenic mechanisms. Studies of gene expression, based on transcriptional signatures and mutational profiles, have led to classifying these lymphomas into 2 subtypes according to cell origin:

  • germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) DLBCLs
  • activated B-cell like (ABC) DLBCLs

The REL gene codes for the c-Rel subunit of the NF-kB protein and this gene is involved in 15 to 37% of GBC-DLBCL cases. REL is also associated with recurrent genetic abnormalities in other hematopoietic cancers such as classic Hodgkin lymphoma, follicular lymphoma or even Burkitt’s lymphoma. To shed light on the role of c-Rel in these tumors, this article presents the analysis of 1) the DNA binding activity of c-Rel in DLBCLs and 2) the gene expression profile of these tumors in association with the patient survival curve.


This project is the result of the collaboration of:

  • CNRS UMR-7276, INSERM U1262, CRIBL, University of Limoges, and Hematology Laboratory of Dupuytren Hospital University Center (CHU) of Limoges, Limoges, France
  • Université de Paris, NF-κappaB, Differentiation and Cancer, Paris, France
  • Biostatistics Department, Imagine Institute, Paris, France
  • UMRS1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris Descartes University, CARPEM, Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Cochin Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France
  • Inserm U1245 and Department of Henri-Becquerel Hematology Center and Normandie Univ UNIROUEN, Rouen, France
  • Pathology Department, Necker Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Paris, France
  • IMRB-Inserm U955, AP-HP Henri-Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France
  • Pathology Department, CHU of Limoges, Limoges, France
  • Regional Reference Structure of Limousin Lymphomas, Clinical Hematology Department, CHU of Limoges, Limoges, France
  • EA3842, CAPTuR, University of Limoges, Limoges, France


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