Séminaire du Professeur Kristjan Plaetzer le 14 septembre 2021 à 10H

Le professeur Kristjan Plaetzer du Laboratory of Photodynamic Inactivation, University of Salzburg, Austria donnera une conférence le 14 Septembre 2021 à 10H :

«Adding Photodynamic Inactivation to the farmer’s toolbox for fighting phytopathogens »

Respected worldwide as a specialist in photodynamic inactivation, PD Dr. Plaetzer earned his Ph.D. and venia docendi in biophysics at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria. Today, his major research interests lie in the use of natural photoactive compounds and light to inactivate microorganism, with a special focus in application of this antimicrobial approach in plant protection, food safety and human medicine.

Currently head of the Laboratory of Photodynamic Inactivation at the University of Salzburg, Dr. Plaetzer has published more than 50 papers and review articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as book chapters. Dr. Plaetzer is an executive committee member of the European Society for Photobiology and associate editor of Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences at Springer Nature. He regularly serves as conference speaker and is named as inventor on three PDT-related patents.

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