Espaces Linguistiques is an international scientific journal that welcomes any proposal in the following fields: comparative linguistics, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, language didactics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, syntax, textual linguistics, translation studies. It aims at enabling dialogue between schools of thought and addressing linguistic objects in their actualization spaces.

Espaces Linguistiques is an online, open access journal. Articles may be submitted in French or in English.

Each issue consists of a thematic dossier and can include reading notes or interviews with researchers.

Latest issue

N° 6 | 2023
Les théories sémantiques face aux défis de l’analyse du discours appliquée : apports, limites, enjeux et perspectives
Semantic theories towards the challenges of applied discourse analysis: contributions, limits, issues and perspectives

Sous la direction de Julien LONGHI, Carine DUTEIL et Arnaud RICHARD