Hussein Issaoui is the winner of the Sciences Thesis prize – Force Hémato 2020

Force Hémato, under the aegis of the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH), brings together all French clinical research groups in Hematology.

Since 2015, this organization has been helping young researchers through prizes: The Brigitte Merand Prize and two thesis prizes respectively funded to the tune of 8,000 euros and 2,500 euros each.

This year, Hussein Issaoui was selected as the winner of one of the 2 science thesis prizes. He defended a thesis entitled “The role of the 3′ regulatory region of the heavy chain immunoglobulin locus on the development of B1 lymphocytes”, under the supervision of Yves Denizot.

He succeeds Alexis Saintamand who obtained this prize in 2017 with a thesis entitled “Study of the role of the regulatory region in 3 ‘of the IgH locus during normal and pathological B lymphocyte development”, also under the supervision of Yves Denizot.