
Laetitia Lepetit is Professor of Economics at the University of Limoges (France), where she is the director of the Masters program in Banking and Finance ; she is also associate researcher at the University of Birmingham. Her research interests are in the areas of financial institutions and corporate governance. Her papers have been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of Financial Stability among others. She has previously served as Associate Editor for the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money.



  • “Executive and Non-executive Employee Ownership and Bank Risk: Evidence from European Banks”, with Tran, P. H. H., & Tran, T. H., The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 92, 291-319, 2023.
  • “Time-varying Z-score measures for bank insolvency risk: Best practice”, with Bouvatier, V., Rehault, P. N., & Strobel, F., Journal of Empirical Finance, 73, 170-179, 2023.
  • “Bondholder representatives on bank boards: A device for market discipline”, with I. Distinguin, F. Strobel, & P.H.H. Tran., Economic Inquiry, 61(3), pp 738-765, 2023.
  • “Board gender quotas: can women realistically boost firm performance ?”, with C. Casteuble C. and T.H. Tran., Finance, Vol. 44, 3-63, 2023.
  • “Implications for Bank Risk When Directors Are Related to Minority Shareholders”, with T. Barry, F. Strobel and T.H. Tran, Journal of Financial Services Research, p. 1-33, 2022.
  • “Government ownership of banks: implications for minority shareholders”, with A.F. Achsanta and A. Tarazi., Economic Modelling, 112, 105842, 2022.
  • “An alternative Z-score measure for downside bank insolvency risk”, (with F. Strobel and T.H. Tran), Applied Economics Letters, 28(2), 137-142, 2021
  • “Bank dividends, agency costs and shareholder and creditor rights”, (with C. Meslier, F. Strobel and L. Wardhana), International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 56, 2018, Pages 93-111.
  • “Bank capital regulation: Are local or central regulators better? “, (with C. Haritchabalet, K. Spinassou and F. Strobel), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 49, July 2017, Pages 103-114.(
  • “Reducing agency conflicts through bank dividend payout decisions: the role of opacity and ownership structure”, (with C. Meslier and L. Wardhana), Applied Economics, Vol. 49, 2017, Pages 1-28. (
  • “Bank ownership structure, lending corruption and the regulatory environment”, (with T. Barry and F. Strobel), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 44, 732-751, 2016.
  • “Excess control rights, bank capital structure adjustments and lending”, (with N. Saghi-Zedek), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 115, 574-591, 2015.
  • “Monetary and financial stability in the East African community: ready for a monetary union ?” (with C. Rugemintwari and F. Strobel), The World Economy, Vol. 38, 1179-1204, 2015
  • “Bank Insolvency Risk and Z-Score Measures: A Refinement” (with F. Strobel), Finance Research Letters, Vol. 13, 214–224, 2015.
  • “Bank income smoothing, ownership concentration and the regulatory environment”, (with V. Bouvatier and F. Strobel), Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 41, 253–270, 2014.
  • “Changes in capital and risk: an empirical study of European banks”, (with B. Camara and A. Tarazi), Applied Economics, Vol. 45, 4831-4856, 2013
  • “Bank insolvency risk and time-varying Z-score measures” (with F. Strobel), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 25, 73-87, 2013.
  • “Effects of loan loss provisions on growth in bank lending: some international comparisons” (with V. Bouvatier), International Economics, 132, 91-116, 2012.
  • “Does uncertainty matter for loan charge-offs ? ” (with F. Strobel & D.G. Dickinson), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 22(2), 264–277, 2012.
  • “Effects of provisioning rules on bank lending: A theoretical model” (with V. Bouvatier), Journal of Financial Stability, 8(1), 25-31, 2012.
  • “Ownership structure and risk in publicly held and privately owned banks” (with T. Barry & A. Tarazi), Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(5), 1327-1340, 2011.
  • “Canal des provisions bancaires et cycle du marché du crédit” (with V. Bouvatier), Revue Economique, 62(1), 67-86, 2011.
  • “The expansion of services in European banking: implications for loan pricing and interest margins” (with E. Nys, P. Rous & A. Tarazi), Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(11), 2325-2335, 2008.
  • “Bank income structure and risk: An empirical analysis of European banks” (with E. Nys, P. Rous & A. Tarazi), Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(8), 1452-1467, 2008.
  • “Banks’ procyclicality behavior: does provisioning matter ?” (with V. Bouvatier), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 18, 513-528, 2008.
  • “How did the Asian stock markets react to bank mergers after the 1997 Asian crisis ?” (with C. Bautista & C. Crouzille), Pacific Economic Review, 13(2), 171-182, 2008.
  • “Reaction of European Bank stock prices to events of the Asian and Russian Financial crises” (with C. Crouzille & A. Tarazi), Revue d’Economie Politique, 116(4), 457-469, 2006.
  • “Bank stock volatility, news and asymmetric information in banking: an empirical investigation” (with C. Crouzille & A. Tarazi), Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 14(4/5), 443-461, 2004.
  • “Diversification versus specialisation: an event study of M&As in the European banking industry” (with S. Patry & P. Rous), Applied Financial Economics, 14(9), 663-669, 2004.
  • “Banking in France” (with C. Meslier and A. Tarazi), in The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, (Eds) T. Beck and B. Casu, Editions Palgrave, 2016.
  • “The impact of market structure and efficiency on bank profitability : an empirical analysis of banking industries in Central and Eastern Europe” (with C. Gondat-Larralde) in The new Europe : Convergence between the EU and Central and Eastern Europe , (Eds) D. Dickinson et A. Mullineux, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 416-442, 2001.
Programme Director of the Master “Banques : Risques et Marchés” (MSc in Banking and Finance) (2004 – present).


  • Associate Editor of the International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2022-.
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2013-2019


Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Finance and Accounting; International Journal of Finance and Economics; Journal of Financial Stability; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; Economics of Transition; Economics System; Applied Economics; Economic Modelling; Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance; Revue Economique; Finance; etc.

  • Economics of Banking (2nd year undergrad., 3rd-year undergrad. and postgrad.)
  • Financial markets (3rd-year undergrad)
  • Economics of Financial Markets (postgrad.)
  • Economics of Information (postgrad.)
Visiting researcher, University of Birmingham (since 2002).
  • “Optimal Bank Board Structure: Finding the right fit for all stakeholders”, research programme financed by the Conseil Régional Nouvelle Aquitaine, under the coordination of L. Lepetit, September 2018- September 2023.
  • OPTBANK: Optimizing Research and Doctoral Programs in Banking in Indonesia, European Commission Capacity Building Grant, in collaboration with 6 Indonesian Universities and 3 European Universities, 2017-2020.
  • “Internal and External Governance of Banks and Risk-Taking”, research programme financed by the Conseil Régional du Limousin, under the coordination of A. Tarazi, April 2015- April 2017.
  • “Worldwilde Governance, international regulations and economic consequences” research programme financed by the Conseil Régional du Limousin, under the coordination of L. Lepetit, April 2012- April 2014.
  • “The effects of ownership restructuring on bank risk-taking and lending behavior: evidence from South East Asia”, Programme PHC Orchid, with the National Chengchi University, under the coordination of A. Tarazi & Y. Chang, dec. 2009-dec. 2012.
  • “Ownership structure and bank risk”, BQR program with New York University, Rensselaer New York, University of Colorado, University of Wales, University of Groningen, under the coordination of A. Tarazi, dec. 2009-dec. 2012.
  • “Financial system efficiency and stability in South East Asia”, Asia-Link “EuroPhilippine Network in Banking and Finance: Enhancing Teaching and Research”, Programme ASIALINK/B7-301/2005/105-139, European Commission, with the University of Birmingham and the University of the Philippines, under the coordination of A. Tarazi, Sept. 2005/Sept. 2007.
  • “On the use of mergers as a solution of bank distress” Programme Duo-France AsiaEurope Meeting (ASEM), under the coordination of A. Tarazi & C. Crouzille, 2002/2003.
  • “Financial integration between the EU and the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe” EC-ACE project, under the coordination of D. Dickinson, 1999-2001.
  • European Commission, COST.
  • NCN Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki- Agency of National Science Centre in Poland).
  • ANR France (National Agency of Research).

  • Lucas Aurouet, since 2021
  • John Aibinu, since 2019
  • Justice Okopu, since 2019

Completed Theses and current position

  • Phan Huy Hieu Tran, 2021, Associate Professor, Burgundy School of Business (France).
  • Aldy Fariz Achsanta, 2021, Associate Professor, Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia).
  • Putra Pamungkas, 2020, Associate Professor, Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia).
  • Thu Ha Tran, 2018, Associate Professor, Burgundy School of Business (France).
  • Leo Wardhana, 2016, Manager of Research and Partnership, Vocational School Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).
  • Kevin Spinassou, 2015, Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor), Université des Antilles (France).
  • Pierre-Nicolas Rehault, 2015, Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor), Université de Limoges (France).
  • Nadia Zedek, 2014, Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor), Université de Rennes 1 (France).
  • Caroline Roulet, 2011, Economist/Policy Analyst, DAF, OECD (France).
  • Boubacar Camara, 2010, Economist, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel, Banque de France (France).
  • Thierno Barry, 2010 Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor), Université de Limoges (France).