NYS Emmanuelle


Associate Professor in Economics

LAPE, Université de Limoges, 5 rue Félix Eboué, 87031 Limoges, France

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Emmanuelle Nys is currently an Associate Professor, she holds a PhD in Economics from both the University of Birmingham (UK) and Université de Limoges (France). Her research interests are on banking (banking risk, lending, prudential regulation). She is co-head of the Bachelor “Economics and Management: International Track” and co-head of the Master 2 program “International: Commerce and Finance”.


  • Agbodji A.S.S., Nys E., Sauviat A., 2021, “Do CDS Maturities Matter in the Evaluation of the Information Content of Regulatory Banking Stress Tests ? Evidence from European and US Stress Tests”, Revue Economique, Volume 72, 65 – 102.
  • Casteuble C., Nys E., Rous P., 2018, “Do bank bondholders price banks’ ability to manage risk/return ?”, Applied Economics, Volume 50 (44).
  • Nys E., Tarazi A., Trinugroho I., 2015, “Political connections, bank deposits, and formal deposit insurance”, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 19, 83–104.
  • Meslier-Crouzille C., Nys E., Sauviat A., 2012, “Contribution of Rural Banks to Regional Economic Development: Evidence from the Philippines”, Regional Studies, 46 (6).
  • Lapteacru I. et Nys E., 2011, “L’impact de la concurrence bancaire sur l’efficience des banques : le cas des Pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale “, Revue Economique, vol. 62(2).
  • Los Banos J., Meslier-Crouzille C., Nys E., Sauviat A., 2011, “Banking industry structure and economic activities: A regional approach for the Philippines”, Philippine Management Review (special issue), vol. 18.
  • Lepetit, L., Nys, E., Rous, P., Tarazi, A., 2008, “Bank income structure and risk: An empirical analysis of European banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 32 (8), 1452-1467.
  • Lepetit, L., Nys, E., Rous, P., Tarazi, A., 2008, “The expansion of services in European banking: implications for loan pricing and interest margins”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 32 (11), 2325-2335.
  • Nys, E., “Service provision and loans: price and risk implications”, 2008, Revue d’Economie Politique, 118 (3), 411-428.
  • “Disclosure of related party transactions, business group affiliation, and the cost of debt” avec A. Achsanta, L. Lepetit et F. Strobel.
  • “Time horizons, baseline and adverse scenario: A new assessment of the information content of regulatory banking stress tests” with A. Agbodji et A. Sauviat.

Current duties and responsibilities

Member of the LAPE_FINEST Spring workshop organizing committee (held every 2 years) Elected member of the Commission Formation et Vie Universitaire (CFVU), the Academic Council and the Restricted Academic Council of the University of Limoges since 2016 Elected member of the International Strategy Commission (CSI) of the University of Limoges since 2016 Elected member of the Faculty-Researcher Disciplinary Section of the University of Limoges since 2016 Elected member of the University of Limoges Tuition Fee Waiver Commission since 2021 Referent International Relations, Economics, Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Limoges, since 2018 Co-head of the Bachelor of Economics and Management International Studies, Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Limoges, since 2018 Co-Head of the Master 2 International: Commerce et Finance, Faculty of Law and Economics of Limoges, since 2021 Academic advisor for the Economics-Management degree as part of the Université de Limoges-Université des Mascareignes partnership since 2020.

Past duties and responsibilities

Elected member, section CNU 05, of the Commission d’Expertise, group A (Droit-Economie-Gestion) of the University of Limoges, 2017-2021 (end of expert groups) Expert appointed for the internal evaluation of the University of Limoges courses in 2020 Member of the working group on the development of the criteria grid for the internal evaluation of the University of Limoges, 2019-2020 Elected member of the Permanent Joint Committee Monitoring the recruitment of Teachers-Researchers 2016-2020 Cotateur of the University of Limoges research laboratories in 2017. This quotation process has been organised according to the principle of a search for consensus using the DELPHI method. Member of the Commission COnsultative de Documentation électronique de l’Université de Limoges, 2013-2015 Expert for the International Call for Proposals (AOI) of the University of Limoges, 2013-2015 Responsible for projects tutored of the diploma Professional License in alternance «Banking, Insurance, Finance Specialty Commercial Advisor Private Clients», 2011-2017. Co-head of the diploma thesis Bachelor of Business in alternance «Banking, Insurance, Finance Specialty Commercial Advisor Private Clients», 2013-2017. Head of International Relations, GEA Department, IUT du Limousin, 2015-2017.  

Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Revue Economique, Journal of Financial Stability, Economic Modelling, Review of International Economics, International Economics, Global Finance Journal, Accounting Research Journal.


  • FAURE Cédric, in co-direction with Amine TARAZI, since September 2022.

Completed Theses

  • AGBODJI Amavi, “Essays on the informative content of regulatory banking stress tests”, co-directed with Pr. A. Sauviat, supported on November 07, 2022.
  • ACHSANTA Aldy, “Related party transactions, ownership structure and bank lending”, co-directed with Pr. L. Lepetit, supported on March 29, 2021.
  • CASTEUBLE Cécile, “Bank risk-return efficiency, ownership structure and bond pricing : Evidence from Western European listed banks”, co-directed with Dr. P. Rous (HDR), supported on 07 December 2015.
  • TRINUGROHO Irwan, “Empirical essays on Indonesian banking : Crisis and institutional reforms”, co-directed with Pr. A. Tarazi, supported on 21 January 2014.