
Authors: T. Cluzeau
I - Content

In the literature of linear 2D discrete systems, two particular classes of systems have been particularly studied:
  1. The Roesser models of the form

    (R) x^h(i+1,j) = A11*x^h(i,j) + A12*x^v(i,j) + B1*u(i,j),
          x^v(i,j+1) = A21*x^h(i,j) + A22*x^v(i,j) + B2*u(i,j),

    where the Aij's and Bi's (i,j=1,2) are matrices with constant entries;

  2. The (generalized) Fornasini-Marchesini models of the form

    (FM) x(i+1,j+1) = F1*x(i+1,j)+F2*x(i,j+1)+F3*x(i,j)+G1*u(i+1,j)+G2*u(i,j+1)+G3*u(i,j),

    where the Fi's and Gi's (i=1,2,3) are matrices with constant entries.

Within the ANR MSDOS (Multidimensional Systems: Digression On Stability) project, we have studied the following problems related to these systems:
  1. The equivalence problem in the sense of algebraic analysis: namely, can we transform any (R) model into an equivalent (FM) model and vice versa?

  2. How can we use these equivalence transformations to study structural stability and structural stabilization issues for these classes of systems?

StabilityEquivalence is a related Maple package that can be used to: 
  1. Check the structural stability of linear 2D discrete Roesser and generalized Fornasini-Marchesini models using the IsStable package,
  2. Transform (if possible) a Roesser model into an equivalent generalized Fornasini-Marchesini model and vice versa.

For more details, see the related publications:

[C2015] T. Cluzeau, Constructive algebraic analysis approach to the equivalence of multidimensional linear systems,
Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (IEEE nDS 2015), Vila Real (Portugal) (07-09/09/15).

[BCDY2016a] O. Bachelier, T. Cluzeau, R. David, N. Yeganefar, Structural stability and equivalence of linear 2D discrete systems,
Proceedings of the the IFAC Joint Symposium SSSC 2016 & TDS 2016, Istanbul (Turkey), 22-24/06/2016.

[BCDY2016b] O. Bachelier, T. Cluzeau, R. David, N. Yeganefar, Structural stabilization of linear 2D discrete systems using equivalence transformations,
Accepted for publication in Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing.

II - List of the procedures

Here are the procedures of our package. See the example file illustrating how to use them.
  1. FornasiniToRoesser2D

    Input: the constant matrices Fi's and Gi's defining the (FM) and the dimension dx of the state variable x of the (FM) model
    Output: the matrices A = (Aij)i,j and B=(B1^T B2^T)^T defining an equivalent (R) model and the respective dimensions dh(=dx) and
    dv(=dx+du) of the horizontal and vertical state variables of the (R) model

  2. RoesserToFornasini2D

    Input: the matrices A = (Aij)i,j and B defining the (R) model and the respective dimensions dh and dv of the horizontal and vertical
    state variables of the (R) model
    Output: the matrices Fi's and Gi's defining an equivalent (FM) model or "Case not handled by this procedure" (see [C2015])

  3. TestStructuralStabilityRoesser2D

    Input: the matrix A of the (R) model and the dimensions dh and dv of the horizontal and vertical state vector
    Output: true or false

  4. TestStructuralStabilityFornasini2D

    Input: the matrices F1, F2 and F3 defining the (FM) model and the dimension dx of the state variable

    Output: true or false

  5. FornasiniToOperatorMatrix2D

    the constant matrices Fi's and Gi's defining the (FM) and the dimension dx of the state variable of the (FM) model

    the matrix R of operators (sigma1 and sigma2) definig the associated linear system Ry=0

  6. RoesserToOperatorMatrix2D

    the matrices A = (Aij)i,j and B defining the (R) model and the respective dimensions dh and dv of the horizontal and vertical
    state variables of the (R) model

    the matrix R of operators (sigma1 and sigma2) definig the associated linear system Ry=0

  7. TestStructuralStabilityAutonomousLinearSystem2D

    the matrix of operators R defining a square autonomous linear system

    true or false

III - Package and example file

You can get the package by downloading the following .mpl file: StabilityEquivalence.mpl

Here is a Maple file illustrating the use of the different procedures on the example considered in [BCDY2016b]:  (StabilityEquivalencePackageExample.pdf)

IV - Bug reports

You can now run your own examples.
If you have any problem with the package, find a bug or want to ask questions, then contact me.