Associate Professor in Economics

LAPE, Université de Limoges, 5 rue Félix Eboué, 87031 Limoges, France

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Pascale HENIAU-TORRE was born on May 4, 1969, in Limoges, France. She obtained her Doctorate in Economics and is currently an Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Economic Analysis and Prospective, Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Limoges. Her research interests include evaluation methods and impact studies, analysis of local public policies, quantitative analysis, macroeconomics, banking structure, and regional economics. Pascale HENIAU-TORRE has published numerous articles and research papers in various international journals and has also participated in various conferences and workshops related to her research fields. She has also served as a reviewer for several academic journals. In addition to her academic career, Pascale HENIAU-TORRE is also actively involved in promoting research and education in economics. She is a member of several scientific committees and has also supervised several doctoral theses. Overall, Pascale HENIAU-TORRE is a distinguished scholar in the field of economics with a wide range of research interests and significant contributions to the field.


  • C. MESLIER, P. ROUS, A. SAUVIAT A, P. TORRE (2016), “Structure bancaire locale et évolution du crédit à l’échelle des départements français : l’expérience de la crise financière de 2007-2008”, Revue Economique, vol. 67(2), 279-314. doi:10.3917/reco.pr2.0059.
  • Estimation de l’impact des dépenses de l’Université de Limoges et de ses personnels sur l’économie régionale en 2011 : une application de la théorie de la base, Etude pour le conseil d’administration de l’Université de Limoges, février 2013.
  • C. CROUZILLE, C. NOUVEAU, S. KANKANAMGE , P TORRE (2007), Guide de l’étudiant en macroéconomie, 4ème édition, Traduction du Study guide of macroeconomics de David Findlay, Pearson Education France, juillet.
  • C. CROUZILLE, P TORRE (2006), Guide de l’étudiant en microéconomie, 4ème édition Traduction du Study guide of macroeconomics de Jonathan Hamilton et Valérie Suslow, Pearson Education France, juillet.
  • Ph. DARREAU, P. TORRE (2005) Microéconomie, Chapitre 16, 6ème édition, Traduction du Microeconomics de Robert Pindyck et Daniel Rubinfeld, Pearson Education France.
  • Vice President of the University of Limoges in charge of training policy, May 2016-Nov. 2019.
  • Institutional Expert for HCERES since 2020.
  • Banque de France advisor to the Haute-Vienne departmental council since 2012.
  • Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Limoges, Feb. 2010-June 2016.
  • First assessor to the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Feb. 2005-Feb. 2010.
  • Quality Approach and Training Evaluation Officer at the University of Limoges since 2005.
  • Head of the Master’s program in Territorial Manager responsible for the design and evaluation of public policies.
  • Webmaster of the website for the Faculty of Law and Economics (www.unilim.fr/fdse), from 2001 (creation date) to 2010, and again since September 2020.
  • Member of the Council of the Common Documentation Service (2005-2016), the Health and Safety Committee of the University of Limoges (2005-2010), and the Council of Studies and University Life of the University of Limoges (2002-2007).