Research Activities of Thomas Cluzeau


Cours JNCF 2020

·      Les transparents de mon cours aux Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel 2020 : transparents


Participations to research projects


Organization of conferences and seminars

    Software for the Symbolic Study of Functional Equations

Application of Computer Algebra - AADIOS


Functional Equations in LIMoges (FELIM)

Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCFs)

The web page of the computer algebra seminar 

PhD students


Other students I’ve worked with

·      Maya Chartouni (co-encadrement stage de Master 2, 2021, avec A. Quadrat)

·      Ronan David (Doctorant University of Poitiers – publications communes – projets ANR MSDOS, MIRES)

·      Alexandre Rigaud (Doctorant University of Poitiers – publications communes – projets MIRES)

·      Achref Jalouli (Doctorant University of Limoges – publication commune)

·      Abdelkarim Chakar (co-encadrement 2 années de doctorat University of Limoges, avec A. Quadrat – publication commune)