In this example, we want to compute lower bounds for the problem of optimizing the linear function X+Y+Z over the hyperbolicity cone of (X^2-Y^2-Z^2)*(4*X^2-Y^2-Z^2) in diretion [1,0,0]. We use the following formalization in a Maple worksheet > F := (X^2-Y^2-Z^2)*(4*X^2-Y^2-Z^2): > E := [1,0,0]: > lin := X+Y+Z: We call the function RenegarRelaxations > RenegarRelaxations(F,E,lin); The output of RenegarRelaxations is the following description of the lower bounds and corresponding minimizers : 3-th DERIVATIVE Lower bound given by the 3-th derivative: [] Computed in time 0.000 This is reasonable because the third derivative of F is a linear form, hence its hyperbolicity cone is a hyperspace and X+Y+Z is unbounded on it. The other relaxations give 2-th DERIVATIVE Lower bound given by the 2-th derivative: -2.098386677 Computed in time 0.074 Algebraic degree 2, multiplicity 1 [[X = [1., 1.], Y = [-1.549193338, -1.549193338], Z = [-1.549193338, -1.549193338]]] 2 [5 _Z - 12, 5 _Z, [12, 12]] 1-th DERIVATIVE Lower bound given by the 1-th derivative: -.7888543820 Computed in time 0.033 Algebraic degree 2, multiplicity 1 [[X = [1., 1.], Y = [-0.8944271910, -0.8944271910], Z = [-0.8944271910, -0.8944271910]]] 2 [5 _Z - 4, 5 _Z, [4, 4]] 0-th DERIVATIVE Lower bound given by the 0-th derivative: -.4142135624 Computed in time 0.042 Algebraic degree 2, multiplicity 1 [[X = [1., 1.], Y = [-0.7071067812, -0.7071067812], Z = [-0.7071067812, -0.7071067812]]] 2 3 2 2 [_Z - 1/2, 4 _Z - 5 _Z, [5 _Z - 4, 5 _Z - 4]] We compute with the "0-th relaxation" the exact value of the minimizer with its rational parametrization.