Paul Armand

Professeur - Mathématiques Appliquées
Laboratoire XLIM - Université de Limoges (France)
Currently working at INRIA Rhône-Alpes - TRIPOP research project
Contact: firstnamedotnameatunilimdotfr

Last publications:

V. Acary, P. Armand, H. M. Nguyen and M. Shpakovych, “Second order cone programming for frictional contact mechanics using interior point algorithm”, Optimization Methods and Software, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2023.2296438

This is an deep view on the numerical solution of a convex mechanical contact model with Coulomb friction. The algorithm is able to solve models with several thousand contact points with a very high accuracy and a few number of iterations. This project is being developed as part of the Siconos software package.

V. Acary, P. Armand and H. M. Nguyen, “High-accuracy Computation of Rolling Friction Contact Problems,” 2022 9th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2022, pp. 176-180, doi: 10.1109/NICS56915.2022.10013388.

The content is in the title. Lecture given by Hoang Minh Nguyen, doctoral student UGA, INRIA, projet TRIPOP.

Shpakovych M, Maulion G, Boju A, Armand P, Barthélémy A, Desfarges-Berthelemot A, Kermene V. On-Demand Phase Control of a 7-Fiber Amplifiers Array with Neural Network and Quasi-Reinforcement Learning. Photonics. 2022; 9(4):243.

This work is part of the PhD of Maksym Shpakovych (2022). This paper presents a phase control of a laser beam array using a learning algorithm.

Armand, P., Tran, N.N. Boundedness of the inverse of a regularized Jacobian matrix in constrained optimization and applications. Optim Lett 16, 2359–2371 (2022).

This work is part of the PhD of Ngoc Nguyen Tran (2018). This is a useful property for the convergence analysis of some optimization algorithms.

Armand, P., Tran, N.N. Local Convergence Analysis of a Primal–Dual Method for Bound-Constrained Optimization Without SOSC. J Optim Theory Appl 189, 96–116 (2021).

This work is part of the PhD of Ngoc Nguyen Tran (2018). This is a convergence analysis of an optimization algorithm without assuming that the second-order sufficient optimality conditions are satisfied at optimum.

J. Saucourt, P. Armand, V. Kermène, A. Desfarges-Berthelemot and A. Barthélémy, “Random Scattering and Alternating Projection Optimization for Active Phase Control of a Laser Beam Array”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-9, Aug. 2019

This work is part of the PhD of Jérémy Saucourt (2019). A very good technique for phase control of a laser beam array using an alternating projection algorithm. Hundreds of lasers can be controlled at very low computational cost.
