Appel à contribution Colloque International – Loanwords and Substrata / Lehnwörter und Substrata

9 janvier 2018, 9 h 00 min

12 février 2018, 17 h 00 min

Call for papers for the International Colloqium

“Loanwords and Substratum”

Limoges, 4th–7th June 2018


The International Colloquium “Loanwords and Substratum” will take place on June 4th–7th, 2018 in the Faculty of Letters and Humanities at the University of Limoges. The conference topic is the question of loanwords – wether they are known as such or not – and the notion of substrata, including semantic or even syntactic calques, in every Indo-European language. The papers which may be dealing with ancient contacts between Indo-European and Non-Indo-European languages shall be most welcomed. It goes without saying that studies on languages of fragmentary attestation would be particularly appreciated. Languages accepted are English, German and French.


Submission deadline: 12th February 2018

Author notification: 26th February 2018

Final version due: 28th March 2018

Colloquium: 4th–7th June 2018


Submissions: Communication proposals should be submitted by email in the form of an abstract between half a page and a page, in Word and PDF format, at More information will be provided soon on the Colloquium’s website.

Publication: The Proceedings of the colloquium gathering full-length articles will be published as a special issue of the Collection Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft.

Invited Speakers: Martin Kümmel, Ranko Matasović, Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff (to be confirmed), Michael Weiss (by videoconference).

Programme Committee: Romain Garnier (Chair), Ignasi Xavier Adiego Lajara, Chams Bernard, Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel, Michiel de Vaan, Emmanuel Dupraz, Benjamin Fortson, José Luis García Ramón, Ivo Hajnal, Agnes Korn, Martin Kümmel, Pierre-Yves Lambert, Ranko Matasović, Craig Melchert, Daniel Petit, Michaël Peyrot, Blanca María Prósper, Georges-Jean Pinault, Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff, Elisabeth Rieken, Benoît Sagot, Zsolt Simon, Thomas Steer, Brent Vine, Michael Weiss, Ilya Yakubovich, Nicholas Zair.

Call for papers


Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines
39E rue Camille-Guérin
87036 LIMOGES Cedex
Tél. +33 (5) 05 55 43 56 00
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